The Shed 86, September — October 2019

In the October/ November Issue 86 of The Shed, we first head to Whanganui to meet blacksmith Josh Timms.
Josh has his own way of making knives and axes and shows us how to make a Viking Knife starting with a piece of new steel right through to the finished product.

Then we head to the Waikato to see how furniture restorer Russell Cooper goes about creating a very cool go-kart using a wine barrel for the body, its a real stunner.

Ritchie Wilson checks out a floor sealing product for protecting your shed floor, Siloxa-Tek 8510, by applying it to his floor at home then Enrico Miglino shows us how to build a music box using BBC Microbit amd Arduino microprocessors. We head to Ruakaka to follow the building of a Kiwispan American Barn - Kiwi style and then we have part two of our How To Weld series - this issue, the basics of MIG welding.
Rex Thorley of Venture Scooters walks us how he fits electric motors to any bike, old or new, to make it an electric-powered cycle before Hugh McCarroll shows how he renovated his bathroom shower at home and found 3D printing of parts was a no brainer.
In our Laser feature this issue, Enrico creates some art projects using engraving and paint then Murray Grimwood, who is still off grid, displays how micro hydro is an excellent way to generate electricity. Mark Beckett needed to update some light fittings so shows us how he makes the move to LED lighting before we enjoy the company of a Christchurch plastic welding guru, one Dennis McDonald.

One of our favourite sheddies Emil Nye describes how he made (and since) restored a historic instrument, a Clavichord before we head back to Whanganui to meet a unique driftwood artist, Jack Marsden-Mayer. Jack makes amazing sculptures like dragon, Kiwis, pigs, buffaloes - you name it, all from driftwood found on the beach.

We close the issue as usual with our Jude’s Back O The Shed column, this issue he tells us how much he is enjoying brewing beer again after all these years. Cheers to that we say.

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