The Shed 84, May — June 2019

In the May/June 2019 Issue 84 of The Shed we share the amazing skills on one Daniel Strekier who built himself his own extraordinary bicycle… almost entirely out of wood!
It really is something to behold and you just have to sit back and admire the skills that went into making this incredible piece of usable art.

Jude Woodside sits down with Brent Sandow and gets all the background on this, NZ’s most accomplished knifemaker who shares his inspirations and skills with us all. Jude also meet a bloke who has bought the mother of all Skilsaws and gives it a test run.

We look at what new safety products are on the market and learn how to make some Easter eggs with a difference for your kids’ Easter egg hunt this year - electronic eggs.
We hope that like us you will also be amazed at the restoration of a turn of the last century 2-foot gauge steam engine by the Blenheim Riverside Railway Society. Rescued from a swamp nearly forty years ago as a pile of rust, this is some achievement.

After experiencing yet another long hot summer we reckon we needed to get more water collecting advice for you and Ritchie Wilson takes time out to show us how to build a set of small steps.

Speaking of our long hot summer got us thinking a lot about cold beer too. How brewing it at home has come a long way since the last time we looked at it in The Shed so in this issue, we dive into what’s the current thinking on brewing your own and do you know what? It's got a lot easier.

Our two regular electronics features are connected this month. Enrico Miglino makes some colourful dancing birds using BBC micro:bit and uses his Laser to cut all the parts proclaiming, “You have to have a go at using different materials or you will never progress your laser cutting skills.” Time to be experimental.

Murray Grimwood shows us how he built his own electric cargo bike as he is living off the grid and what’s to get rid of his automobile and we have the third and final part of our milling series, this installment - Removing material — which cutters and what material?

Andrew Hornblow is based in Opunake in Taranaki and runs something he calls the University of shed where school children learn how to make fun electronic devices for tasks like monitoring a local penguin colony and we review a book about the restoration of the main trunk line after the Kaikoura earthquake, The Kaikoura Job by Rob Merrifield.
Closing off this issue we meet the very clever Halswell sheddie Jonathan Chaston who casts unique and fun pieces in aluminium and Jude’s Back of The Shed column this issue is a tribute to his good mate who passed away this February, Cocksy.

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