The Shed 74, September–October 2017

 In the September/October Issue 74 of The Shed, Jude pushes his welding skills by having a crack at making a barstool with a Tig welder and the results are pretty darned good we must say. The Shed heads to Christchurch to meet Megan Collings and Rob Allison who are both making their own unique style of birdhouse and review the new book from Australia, Men and their sheds. Bob Hulme has Part I of his metal workshop tips and we head to the Naki to meet Phil Kindberg and Bob Seaver who have a king-sized shed bursting with Studebakers and historic motorbikes. Jude tells us of a Kiwi plastic welding gun invented by Stephen Snedden of SeaHull fame and we head to the Bank Peninsula to meet Les Schenkel, a true blacksmith still working in the traditional way. Our projects this issue are how to build a blanket box, install your own security system and a guide to electronically controlling your workshop three phase motor. Finally, we have an easy-build indoor water feature where you can grow plants, food and keep fish!



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