The Shed 30, April–May 2010

 In The Shed Issue 30 Ian Watson takes us off road to build a simple-wheeled dirt-surfer board, an easy and great school project. We show you how to perform the difficult task of drilling a hole down the middle of a rod or bolt and Vik Oliver gets a 3D printer to reproduce itself! We visit the first ever exhibition by The Centre for Fine Woodworking then get building a big bamboo canoe. Owen White finds that a move into a retirement home means he can't take his treasured stationary engines with him so he is now making models of them.We meet Lance White of Pakuranga Auckland who has a huge collection of wooden toys that he built himself then Gary Farquhar has the answer to all those sheetmetall problems, build a model sheetmetal roller! Our safety feature this issue is advice on keeping a shed tidy then Bob Hulme shows how to make your own pipe centre for tubular items on your lathe.Richard Feltham explores the fun and physics of a golf ball cannon and we intoduce Kebony, a new timber treatment for longevity and strength.

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